Elsass Vilma TA 2635 Cool

What we support

Research on cerebral palsy

The Elsass Foundation funds CP-related research in Denmark and abroad.

We provide funding for medical, educational, therapeutic, social and other types of research as well as the practical application of research results focused on improving the health and living conditions of people with disabilities. Other related initiatives or projects that may be of importance to people with CP are also eligible for funding.

Read more about our support for external research >>

Other projects relating to CP or disability

Projects of any nature or size aimed at supporting, including and/or in some other way benefiting people with CP. We have supported projects based on physical education, the arts, culture and society in the past.

If you have any questions, you are welcome to contact us at legat@elsassfonden.dk.

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What we do

The Elsass Foundation is a proactive foundation which always strives to keep abreast of the latest research and knowledge in the field of CP.

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